New Sound Logo

Current Issue: 63

New Sound 63

Previous Issue: 62

New Sound 62

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New Sound Nos. 53-63 are available on the Open Journal System platform. — —

New Sound International Journal of Music is a peer reviewed academic periodical. It promotes musical creativity and theoretical concepts about music – musicological, ethnomusicological, analytical, phylosofical, aesthetical, etc. While presenting Serbian contemporary and traditional music worldwide, New Sound also deals with provocative issues on music and scientific problems concerning music in other countries as well. It focuses on composers' poetic, newly done compositions, various research problems, etc. from the aspect of analysis and contextual musicological interpretation. The journal also contains a survey of international festivals of new music, book and CD reviews and reviews of defended MA and PhD theses.

This journal is classified in ERIH – European Reference Index for the Humanities

According to the categorization of domestic scientific journals for 2023, created by The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia, New Sound is ranked in category M24.

Publication of the New Sound is sponsored by:
The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia
The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia
SOKOJ – Organisation of Music Authors of Serbia